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11/02/2010 From Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals Inc.
As part of our ongoing commitment to healthcare professionals in the addiction field, and in recognition of the increasing regulatory focuson appropriate product use and safety, Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals Inc.is proud to introduce the latest innovationin the treatment of opioid dependence: SUBOXONE (burenorphine and naloxone) Sublingual Film (CIII).

SUBOXONE Film is indicated for maintenance treatment of opioid dependence and should be used as part of a complete treatment plan to include counseling and psychosocial support.

Under the Drug Addiction Treatment Act (DATA), prescription use of this product in the treatment of opioid dependence is limited to physicians who meet certain qualifying requirements, and who have notfied the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) of their intent to prescribe this product for the treatment of opioid dependence and have been assigned a unique indentification number that must be included on every prescription.

SUBOXONE Film is an innovation in medicine delivery designed to support your effects by taking measures that may help address concerns associated with public health, including product misuse and abuse, as well as compliance challenges.

SUBOXONE Film helps address public health needs by:
     Providing unit-dose packaging to reduce the risk of multi-dose exposure
     Providing packaging that achieved a high level of child resistance (F=2)1
     Making misuse behaviors, such as crushing and snorting, more difficult
     Continuing to discourage parental misuse and abuse in fullagonist opioid- dependent individuals through the inculsion of naloxone..