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From Novartis September 29, 2010
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation in agreement with the Food and Drug Administration, is sending healthcare professionals a communication regarding medication errors associated with the use of EXELON Patch (rivastigmine transdermal system).
Medication errors with EXELON Patch have resulted in serious adverse events; some cases have required hospitalization, and rarely, led to death. The majority of medication errors have involved not removing
the old patch prior to applying a new one and the application of multiple patches at one time.
Healthcare professionals will be reminded of the importance of the proper use and application of EXELON patches and the need to instruct patients and caregivers on correct application techinques for the use of EXELON PATCH.
You might be contacted by those physicians and/or practices in your network. We wanted to inform you about this new labeling in advance so you will have the necessary information at hand if they do call or e-mail.
Attached is a copy of the new packing insert. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact you Novartis Account Manager or call Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation at 1-888-669-6682.