
Clinical Experience
CRESTOR is now
approved in 51 countries, and over 1 million patients have been
prescribed CRESTOR.
Before the FDA
approved CRESTOR in August 2003, followoing the unanimous
recommendation of its expert Advisory Committee, this drug's safety
had been tested in carefully monitored clinical trials with over
10,000 patients - significantly more than any other drug of its kind
before approval.
more than 40,000 patients have taken CRESTOR in clinical statins.
Like most
medications, all statins have side effects. For CRESTOR, the
side effects have been shown to occur infrequently, are usually mild,
and tend to go away.
As with all
statin drugs, any unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness
experienced with CRESTOR, particularly if accompanied by sickness or
fever, should be reported to your health care professional immediately.
has been prescribed for you
Your physician
has a plan to help you lower your cholesterol to a healthier level -
and keep it there. This includes a cholesterol-loweing diet,
regular exercisem and taking CRESTOR.
statin. Statin drugs lower cholesterol by preventing the liver
(which produces most of your cholesterol) from taking too much cholesterol.
lower "bad" cholesterol abould half (52% at 10 mg versus 7%
with placebo; your resulys may vary). If diet and exercise
alone don't lower your cholesterol enough, CRESTOR may help you
succeed. The recommended starting dose of CRESTOR is 10 mg once
daily. CRESTOR comes in 5-, 10-, 20-, and 40-mg tablets.
long-term cholesterol management is important
cholesterol cannot be cured - but it can be managed
successfully. CRESTOR, together with a healthy diet and regular
exercise can be a highly effective combination in cholesterol
management. Remember, if you get good results with CRESTOR, and
you stop taking it, your cholesterol may go back up. To get the
most benefit from CRESTOR, you must take it exactly as your physician
has prescribed - even after any improvement in your cholesterol levels.
For more information...
Please talk to
your physician and visit www.crestor.com or call the AstraZeneca
Patient Information Center toll free at 1-877-782-8461.
Important Information:
prescribed along with diet for lowering cholesterol and is not for
everyone, including people with liver disease, and women who are
nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor
promptly if you experience unexplained muscle pain or weakness, as
they may be a sign of serious side effects. Be sure to tell
your doctor about other medications you are taking. Simple
blood tests are needed to check for liver problems before and 12
weeks after start of therapy or change of dose, and periodically
thereafter. Side effects occur infrequently and include muscle
aches, constipation, weakness, abdominal pain and nausea. They
are usually mild and tend to go away. CRESTOR has not
been shown to prevent heart disease or heart attacks.
Please see
full Prescribing Information.

Mylan Pharmaceuticals
New products
are the lifeblood of every pharmaceutical company. That's why
each year we are proud to highlight our new products (and our
existing products!) in the Mylan Pharmaceuticals Product
Identification Guide, which is enclosed.
As a result of
new approvals and acquisitions, we have increased the number of
products in our line by nearly 20% over the past two years. Our
most recent introductions have included: Buspirone Hydrochloride
Tablets, Butorphanol Tartrate Nasal Spray, Enalapril Maleate and
Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets, Etoposide Capsules, dine Tablets,
Lovastatin Tablets, Sotalol Hydrochloride Tablets, Spironolactone Tablets
This grotwth,
coupled with the ongoing commitment of pharmacists who dispense our
products every day, has helped Mylan remain the #1 most dispensed
line of pharmaceutical products in America--branded or generic.*
Please review
this year's Product Identification Guide and make note of the Mylan
Products that you would like to add to your line. Then call
your healthcare distributor to order. . . .and be sure to ask for The
Mylan Brand by name. If your supplier does not stock the Mylan
Product(s) that you need, please call us at 800-RX-MYLAN and we will
direct you to a supplier that does. For future reference, you
may wish to insert this Identification Guide in the 2002 PDR® or RedBook.®
As always, we
remain committed to providing you and your patients with the products
and services that are most needed. After all, we know that you
have a choice. . . .and we hope that choice will continue to be Mylan.
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