The #1 Cafeteria
for Pharmacists,
Pharmacy Students
and Pharmacy Techs...
What can you tell your Rozerem customers to expect?
2007- Introducing Altabax Topical antibiotic for the treatment of impetigo.
To RxLink - From L.D. - Mission, KS - Possibly interested in becoming a
consultant pharmacist. Currently, I am a retail pharmacist but
looking for a change from the retail field. Reply
- DWM/RPh - Madison, WI - Looking for a SWF/RPh (preferred) for
special dinners and fun.
- Request note and Hi! - from Gina, PharmD. Assistant
Professor of Pharmacy Practice Albany College of Pharmacy.
To RxLink - Hi Jude! From L. L. - Second year Pharmacy Student at Xavier
University College of Pharmacy. Pharmacy Student Association:
2004/2005 Congressperson. Intern at a chain...
- From Shorewood, Il - Happy Holiday! from Chaya R.
pharmacy student, third year intern at a chain. Graduation
date: may 2006.
- My name is Mark T. (Mr. T.) and I am a first
professional year student at Purdue University's School of
Pharmacy. Looking for info on Pharmacy Scholarships... Any
- Hi! from Paul S. Pharmacy student at the University of the Pacific
School of Pharmacy in Stockton, CA.
- I am a student of last course of pharmacy in Spain. I am very
interested in working in any field of Pharmacy care in USA next
summer. I have been working this past summer in a Pharmacy in
Dublin-Ireland. Looking forward to hearing from you!
M. Jimenez...
To RxLink - Hi, I am looking to enter a pharmacy school next fall where I will
be able to work toward a PharmD. Unfortunately, I don't have the best
GPA, overall around 2.9 and prereqs around 3.3, and I've already
graduated with Biochem BS. Fortunalely I have years of experience
working since my grandfather and my father have both owned a
pharmacy. My question is this, does anyone know what schools might be
easier to get into, any where in the nountry, since I'm a hawaii
resident, and there is no programs here for it. Any schools that look
more at experience than grades? Oh, and I'm taking the PCAT in a few
weeks. Just trying to get a feel for the different schools to choose
from. Any would be great! Thanks so much.
Becky R. @ hawaii.edu.
- We are the biggest chain of Pharmacies in the Eastern Area of
Saudi Arabia. We have spent more than one year to make it well-structured.
Dr. Kamal. |
To RxLink 10/24/2012 -- One of our clients in FRT Lauderdale is converting toan EPIC system and will need our agencies temPorary staffing services while the hosPitals staff Pharmacists are trained. RxLink Medical Staffing is now looking for 6 Staff Pharmacists to join our contract Team to work this 6 week contract Period. This assignment starts soon. Our agency will be Paying ToP ComPensation with the added benefit of Paid travel and a very generous housing stiPend. This assignment will go quick!!! - 12 Hour shifts (7-7) - 3 for days and 3 on nights -2 of the 6 Pharmacists need to have PEDS exPs exP (1 days, 1 nights) - Very basic staff Pharmacy duties - 2 Years recent acute care hosPital exPerience - Florica State license required - EPic and/ or CareCast systems exP Preferred but not mandatory - PYXIS Connect exPerience... If this sounds like you, please contact an RxLink Recruiter asap at 920-840-6344 or fax Resume to 920-364-9252 or e-mail RxLink at Pharmacist@RxLink.biz Follow RxLink on FaceBook and @RxLinkPharmacy on Twitter
06/12/07- Just wondering... Hello! I'm looking to enter a pharmacy school
next fall where I will be able to work towards PharmD. Yet, I don't
have the greatest grades. My cumulative GPA is 2.7 and the
prerequisites are around 3.0. However, I do have a bachelors degree
in Biology and have a minored in Chemistry. My question is that, do
you know any schools that might be easier to get into with this GPA?
Plus, I'm also looking for financial aids. Do most pharmacy schools
offer these financial aids? Are their any schools that look more at
experiences than grades, since I have various experiences in pharmacy
settings and have volunteered as well. Please respond and let me
know. Thank you for your time. From: a.ordana. Reply
- From Toledo, OH - Masters of Science in Pharmacy Administration.
Objective: To get an opportunity to learn and work in a challenging
environment for a career in academics in Pharmacy Healthcare Administration. Reply
- From RPh Lee. I am currently in the process of relocating to
Southern California and am actively seeking a Pharmacist
position. Reply
- Help needed!
For my Long Term Care (LA) State Government Facility, I am
desperately looking for an up to date list/chart/table of oral
medications that should not be crushed or chewed to pass on to my
Physicians and Nurses. Any assistance you give would be
appreciated. The most up to date list that I have now is as far back
as 2000. I need something more current if possible. Thanks for
your time. RPh Lee. jlee2@dhh.la.gov
- Working as a Pharmacist in Dr. T. Nanthakumar Hospital, Vellore.
Pharmacy settings, sales, purchase, inventory maintenance, billings,
and provide training to pharmacy interns.. From B. Kumar in
Vellore, Tamilnadu. India.
- EK- I am a foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Exam and
have an authorization of a board of pharmacy ( in the U.S. )to start
an internship. I was a professional retail Pharmacist with over 12
years of experience in South Korea. I also managed my own i-Pharmacy
for 10 years.
To RxLink - From Pharmacist Shef. in Washington - focus on providing quality
pharmaceutical care in inpatient or in ambulatory care setting,
participate in the education of providers and patients, as well as,
serving as a liaison to other health care providers.
- Hi! from Han N. Pharmacist at Kindred Hospital...
- From the Riz - Pharmacy Student at School of Pharmacy, University
of Strathclyde... Link up!
- From Kandil in Ontario Canada - Canadian Pharmacist doing Relief
in the great white north... Covering Ontario...
- Schultz - I am an undergraduate student at West Virginia
University, I am majoring in Forensic Chemistry and Biochemistry, but
I have become extremely interested in Pharmacy. Help
me decide...
- La. Brown - From the University of Wisconsin - to successfully
graduate from the University with a BS in Biology. I also actively
taking courses to fulfill pharmacy school requirements. I plan to
continue to a prestigious pharmacy school. My future aspirations is
to practice as a Pharmacist in either the hospital or retail setting.
- From lujda - I am a pre-Pharmacy student at UIC... looking forward
to go to Pharmacy School...
Just Remember your last Pharmacy
Party ...Tell us about it!
- Hi, from Rajendra of Shere Mahavir Institute of Pharmacy, India...
- From Andrea I. . I am a 2nd year pharmacy student at Duquesne
University. I go to school full-time in the school year and work at
my local pharmacy in the summer as a technician. Pittsburgh, PA.
- From Will @UMBC.edu . Hi, what are the requirements for
internship, who is eligible?
from Alexis - I am attending Palomar College to get done all my Pre
Reqs and then transferring to USCD to complete my Pharmacy Major. I
want to be a Pharmacist....
Students are Linking to the site to get current Pharmacy Internships
and Great Job Opportunities..
- From Dr. Waleed in el-minia, egypt - in the field of Pharmacy
Marketing and Pharmacy Management.
- Hi! from Christina L. in Lancaster, CA - I am in school to be a
Pharmacy Tech!
- Hi! from Venancio Aires, Hospital Ernesto Dorneles. Pharmacist
providing Pharmaceutical care education...
- Graduation WOW! Xavier University!
To RxLink - Y. Odusote, I am a second year pharmacy student in De Montford
University, Leicester, England. I would like a real life pharmacy
work experience in the states...

- From Pradeep in Nadu, India. I'm a bachelor in Pharmacy
degree holder and working as Area manager in Dennis Labs, a Gujarat
based company...Hello!
- From Pillarina in Quezon city, Philipines - I supervise and
coordinate the activities of pharmacists and other staff ... Proud to
be a Pharmacist in the Philipines.. keep up the good work Rx students...
RxLink® offers
Pharmacists, Pharmacy Techs and Pharmacy Students a wide range of
Pharmacy Job opportunities
- From Laila A. Liverpool UK. Could you please tell me if you offer
pre-registration places for pharmacy students for 2004?
us here...
To RxLink - Form Andrew at L L university School of Pharmacy - Working on a
Doctor of Pharmacy degree. (Pharm.D.) It's great here in California!
From the University of Rhode Island Pharm.D. Candidate N. R-D.
A Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Pathology at the State University
of New York at Stony Brook.
- From Corey at the University of Tenn. at Memphis. I am currently
work for Walgreen's as a pharmacy intern and I am in my second year
of Pharmacy school at the University of Tenn. at Memphis. I am very
interested in a rewarding pharmacy experience in learning environment....
- I am a graduate pharmacist from India, now settled in Texas. I
have cleared all the Foreign Pharmacy exam including
FPGE/NAPLEX/MPJE... I need to start working as an intern to
complete my 1000 hrs of internship as need by the Texas board of
Pharmacy. My qs are: 1. Will I be in the category (internship)
as the pharmacy person who graduated from scholl in USA, or do
foreign pharmacy has a diff internship program? 2. Do they pay you a
salary/insurance when u do the internship, or u hv to work for free.
Please advise. arvind_gaitonde@yahoo.com
Post-Crescent - Small Pharmacy thrives along with its cusomers, community.. Pharmacist Jude P. Jean-Pierre, RPh, FASCP, PhPM completes paperwork at RxLink Pharmacy in Greenville. Founder and CEO of RxLink Pharmacy Franchise.. Jude@RxLink.biz .RxLink LLC All Rights Reserved 1993 - 2016